What I'm Reading, September 2020 Edition

  • A Rising Man, Abir Mukherjee: Crime novel set in early 20th century colonial India. The first of a four-part series and quite good. I plan to start part two soon.
  • Moral Mazes: The Lives Of Corporate Managers, Robert Jackall: An account of incentives facing middle managers and executives at large corporations and how they handle them. After six years of corporate life, I can say some parts of it do ring true, but overall it's a little bit too cynical.
  • A Confederacy Of Dunces, John Kennedy Toole: Unbearable. I don't think I made it past the second chapter. If you enjoyed Catch-22 (I didn't), you might enjoy this too.
  • The Innovator's Dilemma, Clayton M. Christensen: This is a very popular book in tech and business circles and IMO deserves its acclaim. Some profound insights on how incentives facing large businesses prevent them from deploying disruptive innovations.