Dailies How Fast Are Gravitational Waves? Physicist Ethan Siegel answered a question [https://www.forbes.com/sites/startswithabang/2020/12/18/ask-ethan-why-doesnt-gravity-happen-instantly/?sh=6c2a11da7fd2] I had never thought about: If a heavy mass suddenly materialized out of thin air a million kilometers away from the Earth, how long would it
Dailies Seeing With Neutrinos This amazing photo of the sun was made from neutrinos, tiny subatomic particles similar to electrons but with no electrical charge: Source: Astronomy Picture Of The Day [https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/ap980605.html] / R. Svoboda [svoboda@phlash.phys.lsu.edu] and K. Gordan
Dailies The Dzhanibekov Effect The Dzhanibekov effect is a bizarre phenomenon where objects move in ways that seem to defy laws of inertia. Science blogger Veritasium has a great video about it, although I have to say it still baffles my intuition:
Dailies Weighing The Earth The Schiehallion experiment was an elegant physics experiment done in the 18th century to calculate the density of the Earth. The basic idea is to stand with a pendulum near a mountain of known dimensions and composition. Due to the gravitational attraction of the
Dailies Life At Low Reynold's Number On [https://science.curie.fr/wp-content/uploads/2016/04/Purcell_life_at_low_reynolds_number_1977.pdf] the tough life of tiny organisms who experience the same difficulty moving through water that a human would swimming though tar. The paper is quite dense, so
Dailies Double-Slit Experiment In May 1801, Thomas Young did his famous double-slit experiment [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Double-slit_experiment]. Some light was fired at a sheet with two very thin slits with the intent of understanding whether light was made of particles or waves. The idea